ROS natively on the iRobot Create Command Module
Hi, Does anyone know if it's possible to run ROS natively (i.e. cross compiled) on the Command Module for iRobot Create? thanks, Nick
View ArticleAdjust RPATH for cross-compilation target
Hi all, right now I'm successfully using eros to build ROS nodes for my gumstix hardware, but there is only one minor issue: ROS host installation is located here: /home/phil/ros/cturtle ROS target...
View ArticleCross compile ros minimal using Eros on Fedora 14
Hello, I use Fedora 14 and my current version of boost and boost-devel is 1.44 I have been trying to cross compile ROS using the instructions found under the Eros page. I have followed all instructions...
View Articlecross compile ROS on Nao
Hi all, I'm trying to cross-compile ROS on my Nao robot. The wiki on says that I need Aldebaran's Cross-Compile-Toolkit (CTC) for the job. Does...
View ArticleGumROS log4cxx compilation problem
I want to install GumROS to my Overo Fire. I have followed the tutorial on the ROS wiki[1]. Before compiling ROS, I need to compile and install patched version of log4cxx. I got source then configure...
View Articleros cross-compile for gumstix?
does anyone know of instructions on how to setup cross-compilation of ros packages for gumstix (or any ARM processor). I only see instructions on how to compile ROS itself. I am more interested in...
View Articlecross-compile diamondback ROS for Nao 1.10 issues...
Trying to follow instructions at []( Not...
View Articlerosserial_arduino compiling problems on OS X
I've installed rosserial on Lion 10.7.2 and am having problems getting it to work with the rosserial_arduino CMake architecture. I get the following error when cross-compiling any C++ files: avr-g++:...
View ArticleNao cross_compilation error
When trying to cross-compile for the Nao following the instructions ( I get the following library error:...
View ArticleAldebaran NAO Cross-Compilation. I can´t generate rostoolchain files.
Hi: I am following this tutorial for Nao robot and cross compilation ( ) After installation of ROS-Base electric from source, no rostolchain file...
View Articlecross compile ROS fuerte: Log4cxx cmake
I am trying to compile ROS Fuerte for the Nao (atom) platform but ran into some errors. I downloaded ros-underlay, created the build folder and called cmake, but it fails with: CMake Warning at...
View ArticleCross-Compiling ROS fuerte for a Nao v4. roscore doesnt run
Hi,I am using ROS fuerte compiled form source, NAO v4 and cross compilation with NAO toolchain. Currently this configuration is compiled and running only on the pc (ubuntu 12.05), but I have this error...
View ArticleCross-Compiling ROS for the Nao Ubuntu 12.04 and fuerte
##Problem on starting the roscore on a Nao v3## Thanks to Daniel Maier there is a ros wiki page [how to compile cross compile ROS for a NAO with a Geode...
View ArticleHow to cross-compile ROS for OpenController OC8 (Arm9)
Hello, I have a OpenController Arm9 and I am not a expert in Linux programation (I have also UBUNTU 12.04 in my PC) and I need to do a cross-compile. The module already have "inside" a kernel linux...
View ArticleCatkin cross-compilation of ros-groovy for Zynq ARM target
I'm attempting to cross-compile ROS src to a Zynq based ARM system running a version of Angstrom Linux. I've download src (groovy-ros-comm) based on the install from source instructions and created a...
View Articlecross compilation of groovy using catkin: not found
Hi, I am trying to cross compile ROS groovy on a x86_64 machine for an atom 32 bit system. I got my toolchain file setup, cross-compiled the dependencies (log4cxx, poco), created a catkin workspace...
View ArticleHow to cross compile ROS and ROS packages to embbeded linux board.
Hello, I have problems to cross compile ROS/Packages to my embedded linux board. I am trying to compile this example of rosserial:...
View ArticleError when installing ROS for Nao robot
Does anyone manage to install the ros for the nao robot? I am experiencing problems with the installation process. I am installing using the NAO sdk 1.12.3 (geode). For the environment setup (on the...
View ArticleROS doesn´t run into NAO robot.
Hi, I am using the newer Nao. I have installed ROS electric (desktop) over ubuntu 10.04 with the atom toolchain 1.12.5. Today it compiles onto the pc. Buuut, ROS still doesnt run over the NAO. I have...
View ArticleHow to cross-compile ROS for BeagleBoard-xM (ARM)
I'd like to cross-compile ROS stacks for a BeagleBoard-xM. How should I proceed? I haven't got any experience with cross-compilation. I've read there is a stack for this purpose called...
View ArticleGetting Started with Windows
Hello, I've tried to follow the tutorial but they are simply way to complicated. Is there no .exe file simply download and install the program? There is talk of cross-compiling (which I don't know what...
View ArticleROS Fuerte cross compiled on Nao V4 roscore pkg_resources raises...
Hello! I'm trying to cross compile ROS Fuerte for use on Nao V4 but when I attempt to run roscore on Nao the following exception is raised: roscore Traceback (most recent call last): File...
View Articlelibrospack not found when cross-compiling
I am having trouble cross compiling ros for the Gumstix (overoevm). I am using ROS Electric. I am using a slightly custom distribution named commonos which is based on OpenEmbedded. I have all my...
View ArticleCross-compiling ROS application without Yocto?
I want to cross-compile ROS packages for BeagleBone Black running ubuntu 14.04. The BBB is running ROS indigo. I have been using [meta-ros](, which is a layer on...
View ArticleHow to cross compile Kinetic workspace for Raspberry PI
I'm using Kinetic for developing packages that works in RPI but when I try to compile on RPI, it freezes. I started reading about cross compiling in general and I think is what I need but the problem...
View ArticleRos barebones compiled from source for QNX crashes with memory fault
I have successfully cross compiled ROS barebones for QNX to be run on ArmV7. When I attempt to run ros master or rosout the program crashes with a memory fault. Debugging it further reveals that it...
View ArticleCall to publish() on an invalid Publisher
Hello I have this problem running a simple publisher I'm using ros-kinetic: I've tried to use only one pubilsher instead of 3 a times but it didn't work. [FATAL] [1553731918.366515702]: ASSERTION...
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